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www.riscos.com Technical Support: |
The names given below omit the initial 'Service_' for clarity:
Name | Number | Meaning |
ADFSPodule | &10800 | Issued by ADFS to locate an ST506 expansion card |
ADFSPoduleIDE | &10801 | Issued by ADFS to locate an IDE expansion card |
ADFSPoduleIDEDying | &10802 | IDE expansion card dying |
BufferStarting | &6F | Notifies modules that the buffer manager is starting |
CalibrationChanged | &5B | Screen calibration is changed |
ClaimFIQ | &0C | Claim FIQ |
ClaimFIQinBackground | &47 | Claim FIQ in background |
CloseFile | &68 | Close an object, and any children of that object |
ColourPickerLoaded | &93 | For internal use only |
DCIFrameTypeFree | &9D | Issued by a network device driver module once initialised, and when finalising |
DCIFrameTypeFree | &9E | Part of the AUN Driver Control Interface |
DCIProtocolStatus | &9F | Issued by a protocol module once it has initialised, and when it is finalising |
DesktopWelcome | &7C | Desktop starting |
DeviceDead | &79 | Device has been killed by DeviceFS |
DeviceFSCloseRequest | &81 | Opening a device which already has the maximum number of streams open |
DeviceFSDying | &71 | DeviceFS is dying |
DeviceFSStarting | &70 | DeviceFS is starting |
DiscDismounted | &7D | Disc dismounted |
DisplayFormatHelp | &6C | Display list of available formats |
DrawObjectRender | &45540 | Issued when the SWI DrawFile_Render encounters an unrecognised object |
DrawObjectDeclareFonts | &45541 | Issued when the SWI DrawFile_DeclareFonts encounters an unrecognised object |
DynamicAreaCreate | &90 | Dynamic area has just been successfully created |
DynamicAreaRemove | &91 | Dynamic area is about to be removed |
DynamicAreaRenumber | &92 | Dynamic area is being renumbered |
EconetDying | &56 | Econet is about to leave |
EnumerateFormats | &6A | Enumerate available disc formats |
EnumerateNetworkDrivers | &9B | Issued to obtain a linked list of all active network device drivers |
EnumerateScreenModes | &8D | Enumerates the available screen modes |
Error | &06 | Error has occurred |
ErrorButtonPressed | &400C1 | Issued when any button on the error report is pressed |
ErrorEnding | &400C2 | Issued immediately before an error report closes |
ErrorStarting | &400C0 | Issued immediately after Wimp_ReportError is called |
FilerDying | &4F | Notification that the Filer module is about to close down |
FilterManagerDying | &88 | Filter Manager dying |
FilterManagerInstalled | &87 | Filter Manager starting up |
FindNetworkDriver | &84 | Part of the AUN Driver Control Interface |
FontsChanged | &6E | New Font$Path detected |
FSRedeclare | &40 | Start up filing system |
Help | &09 | *Help has been called |
IdentifyDisc | &69 | Identify disc format |
IdentifyFormat | &6B | Identify disc format name |
International | &43 | International service |
InternetStatus | &B0 | Issued by the Internet module when an interface address has been changed |
InvalidateCache | &82 | Broadcast whenever the cache is flushed within ColourTrans |
KeyHandler | &44 | Keyboard handler |
LookupFileType | &42 | Look up file type |
Memory | &11 | Memory controller about to be remapped |
MemoryMoved | &4E | OS_ChangeDynamicArea has just finished |
MessageFileClosed | &5E | Message files have been closed |
ModeChange | &46 | Mode change |
ModeChanging | &89 | Mode change |
ModeExtension (VDU) ModeExtension (Video) | &50 | Allow soft modes |
ModeTranslation (VDU) ModeTranslation (Video) | &51 | Translate modes for unknown monitor types |
MonitorLeadTranslation (VDU) ModeTranslation (Video) | &76 | Translate monitor lead ID |
MouseTrap | &52 | The Wimp has detected a significant mouse movement |
NetFS | &55 | Either a *Logon, a *Bye or a *SDisc/*Mount has occurred |
NetFSDying | &5F | NetFS is dying |
NetPrintCheckD1 | &40200 | Issued by NetPrint to determine if there is a local printer server running |
NetworkDriverStatus | &8B | Part of the AUN Driver Control Interface |
NewApplication | &2A | Application about to start |
PagesSafe | &8F | Pages specified have been swapped for different pages |
PagesUnsafe | &8E | Pages specified are about to be swapped for different pages |
PDriverChanged | &7F | Currently selected printer driver has changed |
PDriverGetMessages | &78 | Get common messages file |
PDriverStarting | &65 | PDriver sharer module started |
PDumperDying | &67 | PDriverDP module dying |
PDumperStarting | &66 | PDriverDP module starting up |
Portable | &8A | Power down or up |
PostInit | &73 | All modules have been initialised |
PreModeChange | &4D | Mode change |
PreReset | &45 | Pre-reset |
&41 | For internal use only | |
ProtocolDying | &83 | Part of the AUN Driver Control Interface |
ReAllocatePorts | &48 | Econet restarting |
ReleaseFIQ | &0B | Release FIQ |
Reset | &27 | Post-Reset |
ResourceFSDying | &5A | ResourceFS is killed |
ResourceFSStarted | &59 | The file structure inside ResourceFS has changed |
ResourceFSStarting | &60 | ResourceFS module is reloaded or reinitialised |
ScreenBlanked | &7A | Screen blanked by screen blanker |
ScreenRestored | &7B | Screen restored by screen blanker |
ShutDown | &7E | Switcher shutting down |
ShutdownComplete | &80 | Shutdown completed |
Sound | &54 | Parts of the Sound system are starting or dying |
StartedFiler | &4C | Request to filing-system-specific desktop filers to set taskHandle variable to zero |
StartedWimp | &4A | Request to task modules to set taskHandle variable to zero |
StartFiler | &4B | Request to filing-system-specific desktop filers to start up |
StartUpFS | &12 | Start up filing system |
StartWimp | &49 | Start up any resident module tasks using Wimp_StartTask |
SwitchingOutputToSprite | &72 | Output switched to sprite, mask or screen |
SyntaxError | &8C | Syntax error translation |
TerritoryManagerLoaded | &64 | Tell territory modules to register themselves. |
TerritoryStarted | &75 | New territory starting |
UKByte | &07 | Unknown OS_Byte |
UKCommand | &04 | Unknown command |
UKConfig | &28 | Unknown *Configure |
UKStatus | &29 | Unknown *Status |
UKWord | &08 | Unknown OS_Word |
ValidateAddress | &6D | OS_ValidateAddress has been called with an unrecognised area |
WimpCloseDown | &53 | Notification that the Window Manager is about to close down a task |
WimpPalette | &5D | Palette change |
WimpReportError | &86 | Allows the Filter Manager to install filters with the Window Manager |
WimpReportError | &57 | Request to suspend trapping of VDU output so an error can be displayed |
WimpSaveDesktop | &5C | Save some state to a desktop boot file |
WimpReportError | &85 | Wimp sprite pools have moved |